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PROOF, JUSTIFICATION & DISCLAIMER (and possibly some wishful thinking)
This is from items found on the internet - I have no proof although the information seems consistent from several people
possible (would be nice to know for sure)
Samuel Coxe, born in Wales; died 1729 in Burlington Co., N.J.. He married Sarah Smyth
Sarah Smyth was the daughter of Emanuel Smyth and Sarah Willis. 
His will names three sons, the oldest being Emanuel Coxe.
In a will dated 22 Dec. 1728 in Burlington Co., NJ, Samuel named his wife Sarah, and children Emanuel, Samuel, and Benjamin.
Emanuel Coxe, born Feb 07, 1722/23 in Burlington Co., N.J.; died Bet. 1780 - 1789 Cheraws District, S.C
wife: Mercy Brown, born 1738; died Aft. 1800 daughter of John Brown and Sarah Newberry
Before 1750 Emanuel and many other Welsh Baptists, in the Burlington area moved to the Welsh Neck region of South Carolina. In South Carolina, Emanuel Coxe received several land grants from the English government. After the Revolutionary War, Emanuel received land grants from the state of South Carolina totaling 1,085 acres. Emanuel lived on the Pee Dee River in what is now Marlboro County, South Carolina. Emanuel was married twice and according to his Bible record he had 14 children. Emanuel fought in the Revolutionary War as a 59 year old. 
potential recap to determine if our Wm B Cox traces back to Emanel's son William born in 1763 or another son
History and resources from Marlboro County, South Carolina
1723 COX, EMANUEL, b. 1723, d. after 1783, m. 1 ?, 2. Mercy (Massey) Brown, in war records Marlboro Co
William (Emanuel's son) married twice, 20 children.  Two sons and 9 grandsons in Cilvil War. Book on early Marlboro County (exerpt in file)
1763 William Cox, born 4 Feb. 1763 bible record, Emanuel's son
1779-83 William Cox serving in military letter verifying war record
1798 John/Johathan Cox born in Marlboro Co SC? (father named William)? unsubstanciated Marlboro Co
1800 William Cox(26-44) son under 10 and son(10-15); females 1 under 10,  2(10-15), 1(16-25) date matches for Emanuel's 37 yr old son (census) could be WmB's father? Marlboro Co
1810 Wm Cox: (26-44) males 1(16-25), females 2 under 10, 1 (26-44) this Wm born 1766-1784 (census) Marlboro Co
1810 William Cox: (26-44), males 3 under 10 and 2(10-15), females 1 under 10, 1(10-15), 1(26-44) this Wm born 1766-1784 (census) Darlington Co
1811 William B. Cox born in SC (could be 23 Sep 1812, Jesse's son) Our Wm 39 in 1850 (this Wm would be 37 in mid 1850) bible
William B Cox born on - - 1811 at Pendleton Dist SC DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1812 SC 1812 Marlboro County tax roll: Cox (Samuel, Ezra, Aaron, Susannah, Alexander) Wm not on tax roll in Marlboro Co (tax rolls) Marlboro Co
1812 GA Rhota [Allen] born in GA calc from MS census Marlboro Co
 may be buried in Coxe Cemetery: Rhoda Allen born 1816; died July 1853 Marlboro, NC
1819 SC 1819 Marlboro Co. tax roll: Cox (Ezra), Coxe (John, Lamuel, Aaron, William, Eli) Wm on tax rolls (tax rolls) Marlboro Co
1820 SC William Cox:(age 45+)  female 1 (45+) male 1<10 our William B born 1811 his dad age 57 and mom? (census) Marlboro Co
1832 SC 2 brothers Wm (b: 4 Feb 1763) and Samuel (b: Nov 1759) Cox in Marlborough County SC in 1832 war records Marlboro Co
Above Line will just not fit - below line is working
Line to Joseph Allen and Cox Family in Pendleton District of South Carolina  in work
It apears that a William Bartlet Cox and a William Bolen (or Bolden) Cox both lived in the Pendleton District about the same time [I needed this]
From the association with his brother into GA I believe we are related to William Bolen Cox named in the will of William, John Cox's son
Not the William Cox that is the son of Carey Cox
Current research history on William B. Cox
below in work
1762 Joseph Allen born on (c) - - 1762 at VA  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
Joseph Allen family records listing (Rhoda's father) List of assorted documentation from RootsWeb
1767 Agnes Patterson born on - - 1767  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
Allen, Joseph, Georgia Battalion [rank in and out] Private (National Archives, M1051-1)
1790 Joseph Allen and Agnes Patterson were married in 1790 DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1805 GA land lottery book – Joseph Allen and William Cox got land
1809 Pendleton Dist Will of Elizabeth Cox to son James Cox and his daughter Elizabeth; mention of friends Henry Cox and Gambrels Cox (in file)
1810 1810 Pendleton District
pg 271 (1)-John Cox over 45 wife 26/44 males 3<10, 3 10/15 females 4<10 Wm B Cox Sr's grandfather
pg 271 (3)-Wm Cox over 45 wife over 45 males 2 10/15 females 2 16/25, one 10/15, 1<10 (mom over 45, 2 boys 10-15)
pg 271 (4)-Geo [or Jim] Cox 16/25 wife 16/25 girl<10 (between 16/34 & 20/30 & 16/25=16/25)
pg 271 (9)-Levi Cox 26/44 wife 16/25 2 boys<10
1811 William B Cox born on - - 1811 at Pendleton Dist SC DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1812 Rhoda Allen born on - - 1812 at Elbert Co GA  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1815 18 Aug 1815 will of John Cox Pendleton SC (wife Sara) giving $60 each to kids: eldest William, Elizabeth Skelton, Ned (Edward), John, James, (when daughters get to age of 18) Naomi, Casiah, Delilah, Sarah (sons when 21) Tilman, Axarah, Israel, Hiram and daughter Alley (Elenor) at age18 (in file)
This John Cox died before Rev pensions were available if eligible. Rumors (said to be from estate papers): 
These first items are included here as they were labeled and put together from Will Book A page 96 (or 196?) in Old Pendleton District ( papers for this county are now located only in Anderson County. When Pickens later became a county, they were recorded there, beginning in 1828)
At the South Carolina Archives these are in Volume I, Will Book IC pages 211-213 Index page 211.
Will was made 18 August 1815 and entered into probate on 9 August 1816.
the said Sarah Cox sometime in the year 18 and (blank) united by a lawful marriage to William Cannon and lived together as man and wife until the death of William Cannon. She now carries his name and has frequently acknowledged a lawful marriage between them and has hearby forfeited her claim to any part of the estate of John Cox signed by Daniel Lewis.
1817 29 Apr 1817 note transcribed with the William Cox will - "have recd $60 left to me by my father in his last Will" each to: William Cox, John Cox, Edward Cox, Jonothan Skelton and others not legible.
I assume this was William, John, Edward and others unnamed father whos will was being settled in 1817
1820 Pendleton District census (Feb 5, 1821)
page 18 Wlliam Cox over 45, wife over 45, males 2<10, 2 10/16, female 1 16/25 (mom 60-70)
page 24 Isaac Cox over 45, wife over 45, males 1<10, 1 10/16, 2 16/25; female 4<10, 2 10/15
page 24 Wlliam Cox over 45, wife over 45, males 1 10/16, 1 16/25 (next door) (mom 60-70)
1820 page 68 (1) William B Cox 16/26, wife 16/25, male 1<10 WB Sr & wife (16/26) (between 20/30 & 16/25 = 20/2) (jr = 9 yrs old)
page 68 (4) Wesley Cox 16/25, wife 16/25, male 1<10, female 16/25 JW & wife (16/25) (between 16/25 & 10/20=16/20)
page 68 (12) George Cox 26/44, wife 26/44, males 3<10; female 2<10, 1 10/15 (between 26/44 & 30/40=30/40)
page 68 (17) Edward Sr Cox over 45, wife 26/44, males 1<10,  1 10/16, 1 16/18, 1 16/25, females 2<10 John's son, William's brother
page 68 (34) Edward Jr Cox 26/44, wife 16/25, males 1<10, females 3<10
1820 Elbert Co GA census (25 Aug 1821) a lot is illegible
page 128 William Alllen (16/25) wife (16/25) females 2<10 (possible Joseph Allen Sr son)
page 128 [Pumutl] Alllen (16/25) wife (16/25) (possible Joseph Allen Jr)
page 128 [Ehhraim] Alllen (45+) wife (45+) (possible Joseph Allen Sr)
page 138 William Alllen (45+) wife (45+) females 1 (10/15)
from book generation 6: William Bolden Cox G'son was born circa 1758 and died in 1821 in , Pendleton District, SC at age 63. 
1821 1821 Will of William Cox, Pendleton, names wife Mary and sons William Bolen Cox and John Wesley Cox to inherit plantation (Edward Cox and George Cox also mentioned)
William Cox signed will 16 Apr 1821 - named Wm B and J Wesley to get land- rest to other children? Objection by George Cox wife 21 May dropped 23 May 1828
above administered 1 Sep 1828 by Nancy Cox, Edward Cox Jr & Sr and Gideon Wilbanks
(Elbert Co GA 1830 census)
Joseph Allen 20/30 wife 20/30, boy 5/10 + 2 females under 5 (Rhoda's brother)
1830 George Cox 40/50 wife 40/50,males (1)20/30, (1)10/15, (2)5/10 & 3 under 5 + females (1)15/20, (1)10/15 & 1 under 5 (Wm B sr brother - boy 20/30 may be Wm B jr and girl 15/20 could be Rhoda)
1830 (DeKalb County GA 1830 census)
J. Westley Cox 20/30, males: under 5, 5/10, 10/15 female 16/20, under 5, 5/10 (DeKalb County GA 1830 census) (J.W. - Wm B brother 20-30, wife? 16-20)
William B Cox 30/40, male 10/15 female 20/30, 2 under 5, 5/10 (DeKalb County GA 1830 census) (out of house Wm B Cox jr=19 yrs old to marry Rhoda Allen in 1830)
Mary Cox 70/80 (DeKalb County GA 1830 census) (Wm B's mom 70-80)
above in work
1830 GA William B. Cox married Rhoda Allen, Nov. 9, 1830  ELBERT COUNTY, GEORGIA MARRIAGES 1806-1809, record 351
William B. Cox married Rhoda Allen, Nov. 9, 1830  ELBERT COUNTY, GEORGIA MARRIAGES 1806-1809, record 351
1832 John C Cox born in GA calc from census
1833 Joseph Allen died 1833 at Elbert Co GA  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1833 Agnes Patterson died on (a) 6 - May - 1833 DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
1833 Joseph Allen died 1833 (age est 71) Elbert b est 1762 wife b 1767 d after 1833 (Rhoda's father) List of assorted documentation from RootsWeb
Joseph Allen Will
1837 D Benjamin Franklin Cox born on 15 - Mar - 1837 at Harris Co MS  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
Benj F Cox is the younger brother of John C Cox I believe the above incorrectly states Harris Co MS and should be Harris Co GA
1836 Marshall County MS was established February 9, 1836
1836 Phillip Pipkin married Ursey Rutney [Ursula Rainey], 4 [12] July 1836 in Marshall County MS
Mary Ursula Rainey born 1812 in SC. She married Philip Pipkin on 12 Jul 1836 in Marshall County, MS.  Posted by: Brenda Boston in GenForum Date: April 24, 2003 
Pipkin Family Association Newsletter, Vol 22, January-February 1989 No1, record 3 “Philip Pipkin married Ursula Rainey in Marshall County on 12 Jul 1836.
1840 Chambers - in eastern TN or MS?
1840 Philip Pipkin (age 20-30) in Marshall Co. MS plus one male <5 [Stephen L (4)], 2 females <5 [Elizabeth E (6), Martha A (1)] female (20-30) [Ursa 28] Marshall Co. MS, Southern Div, 1840 census page 14
1840 GA W. B. Cox Sr. (40-50) female (30-40), male (20-30) and 6 other kids. 1840 census: Harris Co. District 4, GA (all three families) Harris Co
1840 GA J.W. Cox (30-40) female (30-40) and female (80-90) plus 8 other kids living between the above folks census link for these three families Harris Co
1840 W. B. Cox Jr: (20-29), female (20-29) 2 male <5, 1(5-9) our WmB is 29, wife 28, Jno C (8), Gno W (6) Benj F (3) (census) Harris Co
1841 GA George Cox Probate, William B. Cox and John C. Cox Executors  1841-GeorgeCoxProbate-Ancestory Harris Co
1850 Wm B. Cox (age 39) in Marshall County, Southern Division, MS (census family 879) with Rhoda (38), Jno C (18), [Gno] W (16), Benj F (13), Mary A (9), Nancy [V] (7), Amanda M (6), Frances E (5), Marsha E (3), Wm C. H (1) and 1 month old [Jns] W. Marshall Co. MS, Southern Div. 1850 census family number 879
1850 Philip Pipkin (age 45) in Marshall County, Southern Division, MS (census family 794) with Ursa (38), Elizabeth E (16), Stephen L (14), Martha A (11), Geo H (10), Eliza J (4) and one year old Jno H. Marshall Co. MS, southern Div. 1850 census family number 794
1850 Wm P Chambers (age 44) in Fayette County TN (census family 1493) with Jemima (35), Martha (4) and 9 month old Adeline Fayette Co. TN, District 12, 1850 census family 1493
1850 Jemima Chambers brother John P. Henley (age50) in Fayette County TN (census family 1478) Fayette Co. TN, District 12, 1850 census family number 1478
1850 Shofner Family in Marshall County, MS with 4 year old Jacob E. Marshall County, Northern Division, Family 1267, line 34
1853 John Cox married Elizabeth Rainey, 03 May 1853
1859 D[?] B[Benj} F Cox married Irrens Blackard 16 Sept 1859
1860 John C. Cox (age27) in Garrisborough Tounship, Independence County, AK (census page 126, family 825) with wife Elizabeth E (26), James F (9), Calvin W (7), Amanda E (5) and 4 year old George S. Independance Co. AR, Garrisborough Township, family 825 (pg 126)
1860 Benj F. and George W. Cox in Holly Springs Marshall Co. MS, Township 5 Range 2 (Holly Springs) pg 36 family 228
1860 John (age 34) and Marcus (age 27) Chambers (Wm P & Jemima's sons?) Fayette Co. TN, District 12, census page 158
1861 George Cox (John's younger brother) married Martha Shoffner, 29 Jan 1861
1862 Cox, William B: died at Monroe Co AR on 26 - Dec - 1862 DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
Cox, William B: will copy from Ancestory 1862-WilliamBCox-Ark-will-Ancestory
1862 John Cox monument in Arkansas - could be our relative
1863 Wm P Chambers died in Fayette Co. TN Documented in will included in Southern Claims petition link below
1867 Rhoda Allen Cox at Benton Co MS on (liv) 20 - May - 1867  DAR records: Nat'l #: 510775 Ancestor #: A001697
Family story - after fathers death (killed by Yankees) mother moved to Chambers Plantation to work
James Franklin Cox marries Emma Chambers
Elizabeth Cox marries Jake Shoffner (farmhand at Chambers)
1870 James Cox with siblings, wife and mother in law Jemima Chambers; Shoffners next residence Fayette Co. TN, District 12, 1870 census page 38, families 276 & 7
Pipkin brothers also living in the next residence Fayette Co. TN, District 12, 1870 census page 39, lines 6 & 7
1875 Jemima Chambers Southern Claims Commission petition, Fayette Co. TN Jemima Chambers Claim petition and Wm P Chambers will
1880 William Columbus Cox born in Moscow TN Sworn birth certificate of William Columbus Cox
1880 James Cox and wife Emma, their 3 children and mother in law Jemima Chambers still in TN Fayette Co. TN, District 12, 1880 census page 14, family 95
1880 Land in TN sold by Jim and Emma Cox 1880-TN-land.pdf
1900 James Franklin Cox family in Titus County Texas Titus Co. TX, Precinct One, 1900 census sheet 21 line 2
1900 Edwin S. Duncan with second wife Rosa and family in Titus County Titus Co. TX, Precinct One, 1900 census sheet 30 line 11
1900 Annie E. Scott, William Columbus Cox first wife with her family prior to their marrage Titus Co. TX, Precinct One, 1900 census sheet 27 line 29
1900 Robert T. Willson household with daughter Mary L. (W.C. Cox future second wife) Titus Co. TX, Precinct Four, 1900 census sheet 27 line 88
need to find WC and his sister Mattie Cox
need to find Emma Shoffner
1941 Jim Cox died in Titus Co. TX  Cox-Jim-F-1851-1941.jpg
1956 William Columbus Cox died in Titus Co. TX Cox-W-C-1880-1956.jpg
Many Descendants on the chart beyond this timeframe are still living and should have their own documentation.
Source for much information about Marshall County MS including our Cox and Pipkin marrage records:Mississippi Genealogy & History Network's Marshall County Project
Looking for our ancestors is proving to be an interesting trip.  Visiting the places they lived through stories recorded by them and their neighbors; getting to know the neighbors and take the mental walk down the trails they followed brings them in focus
This information last updated 3/20/2012.